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Old Nov 05, 2007, 09:25 AM // 09:25   #81
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Proph all the way baby... but yeah seriously, when we plaued proh, the game was fun, happy and friendly, and drops were awsome, prot bond pre-nerf was fun, i miss emm days.
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Old Nov 05, 2007, 04:25 PM // 16:25   #82
Desert Nomad
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Cantha first, its environment is by far the best, the only thing that comes close is EotN. 16 player missions are awesome, even if its only henchies on the other team. The storyline is 2nd best to prophecies. The Ritualist and Assassin are both interesting professions.

EoTN 2nd, the dungeons are very nice, unfortunately the storyline is poor in that its just made as a setup for GW 2. Dual profession monsters saves it though.

Prophecies 3rd: It's pretty dated now, but the story is the best, SF is the granddaddy of any of the EotN dungeons, and I like mursaat. Still, its really starting to show its age now, the only reason it isn't last is:

Nightfall. Sand Sand Sand Gray Sand Black Sand. Not the least bit repetitive is it? I hate istan, its like a pre searing thats 10x as long that you can't skip. It's good the first time but after that you just want to get out of it. Most of the missions were a letdown after the fun ones of factions, with a few exceptions for things like dzagonur. I also wish the dervish and paragon profession were better made. To me dervish is just a warrior with a bigger weapon. Paragons were just a failed idea overall that deserves an overhaul.
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Old Nov 05, 2007, 05:02 PM // 17:02   #83
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In terms of looks Factions
In terms of most played/used for me Nightfall
But my favorite overall is most diffently Prophicies.
I think they built GW:EN up to much so when I got it I was a bit dissapointed (still good though)
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Old Nov 05, 2007, 05:35 PM // 17:35   #84
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I actually like them in order of appearance, Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall and then GW:EN

Nightfall would beat Factions but getting out of noob island was really annoying in Nightfall, thats why it loses to Factions.
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Old Nov 05, 2007, 08:03 PM // 20:03   #85
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I started with Nightfall, but found it quite hard to really connect with it, to be honest.

Later on, after a break from the game, I bought Prophecies, which I loved at the time. I had a lot of fun. It's probably my second favorite. I liked the story, even if I wanted to smash things at some of the missions.

The latest one I got was Factions. I admit I fell in love with the environment, and I found the starting island pretty fun. It started a tad slower than Prophecies, but very quickly picked up pace. I ended up having a blast. I am still having a blast, even if the Am Fah kill me on a regular basis. I get used to it.

Sure, the city's a maze, but I actually don't get lost that often.

I haven't played EotN yet, though I own it. But it'll be a while, as I want to beat at least one of the other campaigns first.

So my list in order of choice:

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Old Nov 05, 2007, 08:39 PM // 20:39   #86
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GWEN =Crap
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Old Nov 06, 2007, 12:24 PM // 12:24   #87
Frost Gate Guardian
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1)prophecies = masterpiece. eneough said
2)gwen= it adds the only thing that proph needed to be perfect >lots of heroes. proph+gwen is all u need to enjoy the game at its best.
3)nightfall = ugly settings (desolation and torment) and borin profs but saw the introduction of heroes. lots of content....but unfortunately not much quality.
4)factions= frustrating game experience and keineng was very poorly designed. repetitive dull landscape....good kurznick armours though.
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Old Nov 06, 2007, 12:40 PM // 12:40   #88
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1) Prophecies : simply the best, i really miss the old prophecies times :-(
2) GWEN : reminds me of prophecies, same continent. Story sucks tho.
3) Factions : dissapointment started here for me, from the moment factions was introduced things went from good -----> bad ----> Nightfall
4) Nightfall : -----> very bad, i just hate the freaking place. Lame story / monster groups BAD/ lame heroes.....i freaking hate it...if i knew what i know now i would have never bought it.

For those who ask why prophecies, that answer can only be explained if you go back into time and START with prophecies. If you missed it, your loss. I think everyone here who started with prophecies in the good old days will put prophecies on number one.

Last edited by vdz; Nov 06, 2007 at 12:51 PM // 12:51..
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Old Nov 06, 2007, 12:44 PM // 12:44   #89
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Prophecies is definantly the best hands is the longest, time was put into the storyline and it was simply the funnest...the rest of the games were sloppy and rushed because anet tryed to deliver a new game every 6months, not a good idea imo.
Gwen is second cause of its dungeons, dont care for the storyline and its really short like factions.
Nightfall is in third only because of DoA i did not care for nightfall at all
Factions is just garbage, but it has lots of good farming spots
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Old Nov 06, 2007, 02:52 PM // 14:52   #90
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proph > GW:EN > factions >>>>> nightfall

nightfall was for me the most boring piece of gameplay i've ever played.
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Old Nov 06, 2007, 03:24 PM // 15:24   #91
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proph is my favorite by far..

i dont have Gwen but i think that would be a second . .

then nightfall

and cantha..
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Old Nov 06, 2007, 03:40 PM // 15:40   #92
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Pre factions Prophecies was the best.

Factions comes second just for being fast (lv 20 in 4 hours woo!) and having Dragon Arena.

The rest=meh. Erm well EotN is actually fun for me, when GW as a whole isn't boring which is 3% of the time now n days.
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Old Nov 06, 2007, 03:48 PM // 15:48   #93
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1) is Factions, because it just rocks.
2) would be gwen because Anton rocks.
3) would be a tie between proph and NF because Proph is boring as hell, and NF is boring as hell and destroyed PvP for me.
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